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2023 Annual Meeting Abstracts

The call for 2023 Interesting Case submissions is now closed.

There is a 250-word limit for Interesting Cases. NO GRAPHICS OR TABLES will be accepted with Interesting Case submissions. Do not use abbreviations or references to authors or institutions in the title. Please also DO NOT give away the answer to your case in the title. The title should invoke interest, but not give away the answer to the case. Give background, clinical course and provide teaching points at the end (no more than 3).

The case must represent original work that has not been previously published and will not have been presented or be under consideration for presentation at a national or international meeting prior to the dates of this meeting.

DISCLOSURE: All content authors are required to disclose any financial relationship(s) with an ACCME-defined ineligible company, formerly known as a commercial interest. All conflicts of interest will be reviewed by the AAES Ethics Committee.


Scientific Abstract submissions for the 2023 Annual Meeting are now closed.

Notifications will be sent to each submitting author in mid-to-late-December.

Important Reminders

 The 2023 AAES Annual Meeting will be an in-person event in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. All presentations
(podium and Poster) will be given in person.  

 Only original research will be considered (must not be previously presented or published).
 There is a 350-word limit for abstracts. NO GRAPHICS OR TABLES will be accepted with abstract submission.
 The abstract copy MUST include the following: Background, Method, Results, and Conclusion.
 NO reference to the authors or the institution should appear within the body of the abstract or in the title.
 A call for Interesting Case Submissions will be made after the abstract submission has been closed. Please do not submit case reports.
 In accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), authors will be required to disclose all financial relationships with any ineligible companies they have had over the past 24 months.  Omission or misrepresentation of financial relationships is academic dishonesty. Evidence of such that is discovered before, during, or after the AAES Meeting will lead to the removal of the abstract from the program and the published proceedings, and referral to the Ethics Committee and AAES Council for punitive action up to and including a ban from presenting at future AAES Meetings. For more information on the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, please visit 
 If submitting for the DEI committee-sponsored special session on Health Equity, respond "yes" to the Health Equity scientific session question and make sure to select the appropriate category. 
 All AAES Members in all categories as well as Fellows, residents, and students are eligible to compete for the Health Equity session award. Abstracts submitted by trainees in the Health Equity category will be considered for the Van Heerden and Kinder awards if the abstract is not selected for the Health Equity Scientific Session. Due to the unique and prestigious nature of the Health Equity Scientific Session, abstracts selected for this session will only be eligible for the Health Equity award.
 For trainees wishing to compete for the Van Heerden and Kinder awards, select ‘yes’ to answer the relevant question. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Program and Research committees. The top abstracts will be selected for participation in the competition, and podium presentations will be scored during the scientific sessions. Abstracts selected for the competition will be denoted as such in the final program.

NOTE: All content authors are required to disclose any financial relationship(s) with an ACCME-defined commercial interest ("industry"). All conflicts of interest will be reviewed by the AAES Ethics Committee.